Monday 19 May 2014

Students email me their quilts

I think its really neat that students feel comfortable to show me their quilts.  If they can't bring them into the shop to show me, they email me photos.  With their permission I can show you their quilts.

Kiwiana quilts:
Kiwiana quilt for an American friend who had spent a year in NZ

Kiwiana quilt for her Dad in Scotland
The back - a great way to use up leftover
blocks and fabric.

Baby Quilts:

Same design with different fabrics


These two ladies have caught the quilting bug big time.  I do think a little more quilting is required in these quilts.  Remember the rule - no wider that four fingers apart.

happy quilting.

1 comment:

Love to read your comment. Dont' be shy, please write me a few words. Shirls