Saturday 26 April 2014

Working with light fabrics - cont.

I'm currently working on my final four sided kaleidoscope quilt.  This is the completion of my personal study (three years) on kaleidoscopes quilts.

Continuing on from my previous two posts - working with light fabrics and those rogue threads,  I thought I would take this opportunity to show you how I deal with these before basting my quilts.

These fraying threads run the risk of falling behind
this yellow stip.  They can be seen from the front of

Carefully trim these.  You will notice that I have
over locked the edge of this quilt.  I have found when working
with Kona fabrics, they have a tendency to fray a lot
quicker than other cotton fabrics.

Use a lint roller to remove threads that have been cut.
Notice that my yellow seams are ironed towards the dark

Stunning quilts can miss out on awards at exhibitions due to visible rogue threads or seams ironed towards light fabrics thus making them visible from the front of the quilt.

Happy quilting.

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